St George & Sutherland Shire Leader

The important role of leadership in the healthcare sector in Australia

Anyone in the healthcare sector can show leadership skills, but if you aspire to take on an official leadership position, studying healthcare leadership might be a good idea. Picture Shutterstock
Anyone in the healthcare sector can show leadership skills, but if you aspire to take on an official leadership position, studying healthcare leadership might be a good idea. Picture Shutterstock

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Healthcare is, of course, a necessary resource, yet it can be stressful, underfunded, and flawed. A good leader understands what needs to be improved, and how to make that happen.

Leaders in the healthcare sector should be compassionate, informed, responsive, and- perhaps most importantly- passionate about amplifying patients' voices to ensure that their experience is positive. They should also care about the morale of healthcare workers and be knowledgeable about the needs of patients and staff.

Taking the leap to develop your skills through a master's in healthcare leadership or another course is a truly selfless and rewarding thing. Leadership skills can benefit almost anyone, especially those who aspire to make the world - or, on a smaller scale, the healthcare sector - a better place.

Why is healthcare leadership so important?

Ideally, whether in medicine or mental health care, a leader should motivate staff, advocate for patients, create positive change, and skillfully handle any problems that should arise. Leadership influences the standard of care issued to patients and ensures that everyone - including staff - is treated with respect, dignity, and competence.

In a system that is ever-growing and ever-changing, where new discoveries are constantly being made and outdated information is being disregarded, leaders are needed to drive change and ensure that medical care is up-to-date using evidence-based knowledge.

In a sector that often deals with the most vulnerable of people, a good leader makes sure that every voice is heard. They should be able to reassure us that a complex and often intimidating concept like medical care doesn't have to be scary or confusing.

With appropriate and competent leadership, a medical setting and the people in it can thrive. Productivity will increase, morale will improve, and consistently safe, good-quality treatment will be bestowed upon patients.

What exactly does a healthcare leader do?

Healthcare leadership comes in many different forms. Management of a healthcare practice, head of a department, financial officer, executive officer, HR, and more. Almost anyone in the healthcare sector can show leadership skills, but if you aspire to take on an official leadership position, studying healthcare leadership might be a good idea.

A leader in the healthcare sector has many responsibilities. They are, after all, an important part of an industry that literally saves lives. They make executive decisions based on their broad range of knowledge and experience, and these decisions will impact their patients, staff, and the industry in general.

More specifically, a healthcare leader may undertake the following tasks:

  • Make decisions about the course of action regarding staff and patients, using the extensive knowledge they have of the healthcare sector and medical practice
  • Work well in a busy, fast-paced environment, often under pressure
  • Do everything within their power to ensure quality, accessible, cost-efficient healthcare is available
  • Be a positive and reassuring presence in making decisions that affect many people, and be able to take charge of a situation when necessary
  • Be aware of current medical knowledge and research

If provided with the right tools and funding, a healthcare leader can make all the difference.

What qualities should a healthcare leader possess?

Traditional leadership traits, such as enthusiasm, ability to take charge, and decisiveness will bode well for those seeking a future in healthcare leadership, but there are plenty of other skills that can be taught.

Healthcare leaders should have excellent problem-solving skills, extensive knowledge of the broader picture of healthcare, and the skills to lead a team in a stressful environment.

Confidence, honesty, loyalty and self-awareness are all excellent qualities for a leader. In addition to this, kindness, compassion, and humility are necessary. A good leader understands that their staff and patients are people deserving of respect and autonomy.

They value diversity and the complexities of human beings and the modern world. Recognising and strengthening your weaknesses and those of your team, communicating well, and dealing with challenges that come your way are all important skills for someone hoping to hold a leadership role within the healthcare sector.

How does someone become a healthcare leader?

If you work in the healthcare sector and possess (or want to learn) the aforementioned traits, you're already on your way there! Refining your skills by studying healthcare leadership and gaining relevant lived experience is the best way to ensure a future in the field of healthcare leadership.