St George & Sutherland Shire Leader

Dominican Republic First Caribbean Country To Trial Four-day Work Week

Four-day work week trial prioritises people and improves health and well-being while increasing company productivity. Picture Shutterstock
Four-day work week trial prioritises people and improves health and well-being while increasing company productivity. Picture Shutterstock

Brought to you by Emmanuel Davis

Starting in February, the Dominican Republic will trial a four-day work week, a first in the Caribbean region.

The six-month pilot, which does not entail a pay cut for employees, is a response to the growing global discourse on work-life balance intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This initiative marks the country's latest move to emulate innovative global trends, following the introduction of their online Dominican Republic e-Ticket in 2021.

Similar to other electronic entry/exit forms implemented by governments worldwide in recent years, this simplifies the arrival/departure procedure for passengers and reduces travel times.

The Dominican Republic's foray into a four-day work week is voluntary for businesses and aims to enhance productivity and employee well-being.

The pilot program allows companies to opt for a reduced 36-hour week, down from the usual 44 hours, without cutting employee salaries.

The Dominican Republic's labor minister, Luis Miguel de Camps has emphasised that this model is not just about reducing working hours.

"It prioritises people, improving health and wellbeing, and promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly productivity," de Camps said.

Participants include the government's national health insurance agency, EGE Haina (a power company), Claro (a telecommunications giant), and IMCA (a heavy equipment firm).

This variety ensures a comprehensive analysis across different industries.

A local university has been tasked with monitoring the trial's impact, focusing on key areas such as health changes in workers, productivity levels, and the balance between professional and personal life.

The trial could set a precedent in the Caribbean and potentially inspire similar initiatives across the region, depending on its success.

But the concept of a four-day work week is nothing new to the rest of the word.

The idea has been gaining serious momentum in recent years, with several countries conducting trials and reaping positive results.

The United Kingdom, for instance, embarked on what is considered the largest trial of a four-day work week in 2023.

Out of 61 companies that participated, 56 extended the trial, with 18 making it a permanent change.

This trial involved about 2,900 employees and resulted in reduced stress levels, better work-home balance, and improved sleep among staff.

Notably, employees took less sick leave, and gender parity improved as men contributed more to household and family tasks.

Japan, known for its rigorous work culture, has also experimented with a four-day work week.

Large companies like Microsoft Japan tested this model and reported positive outcomes.

In Iceland, a trial involving 2,500 public sector employees between 2015 and 2019 showed that workers were less stressed, and productivity did not suffer.

Following this, labor unions renegotiated contracts for over 85 per cent of the workforce to reduce work hours.

Belgium introduced the concept in 2022. Their program allows employees to work four days a week without a salary cut but maintaining a 40-hour work week, meaning 10-hour workdays.

In Australia, the 4-day work week is known as the 100:80:100 model.

This is because employees retain 100 per cent of their pay while working 80 per cent of the hours, provided they maintain 100 per cent productivity.

In 2023, Medibank, the private health insurer, embarked on a six-month trial of this model for 250 of its employees.

The trial, designed by four Day Week Global and monitored by Macquarie University's Health and Wellbeing Research Unit, is a significant step in this direction.

When the trial was announced, Kylie Bishop, Medibank's People, Spaces and Sustainability Group lead, highlighted the focus on balancing work and home commitments and preventing issues like burnout.

"There are lots of pressures out there right now, whether it's cost of living or people managing their work and home commitments," Bishop said.

"We're constantly thinking about how we can help balance that for our people," she added.

Bunnings also joined the movement last year and signed an agreement with the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) for a trial.

This offered its 40,000 employees the option to condense a standard 40-hour week into four days, positioning the iconic firm as a preferred employer in the retail market.

Truii, a Brisbane-based tech and consulting company, also offers a four-day work week with full pay, with the option to take Mondays off each week.

In Sydney, Lookahead, a technical recruitment firm, has also adopted the four-day work week, offering full salaries.

This change, coupled with an additional week of annual leave after a certain period, demonstrates the firm's commitment to employee well-being and work-life balance.

This initiative reflects a growing trend among Australian companies and one that doesn't seem to be slowing down.

In fact, it's estimated that around a third of all Australian employers will transition to a four-day week in the next five years.